International Journal of Agricultural and Applied Sciences

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Agricultural & Environmental Technology Development Society

Issue and Contents

Water Systems Strategy Relation with Horticultural Crops
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.121

Effect of short-rotation trees on nutrient dynamics and rooting pattern in intercropped with aromatic grasses in terai of U.P.
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.122

Study the phenology, growth and reproductive behavior of Calendula officinalis
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.123

Influence of different establishment method, varieties and nitrogen level on productivity and economics of rice
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.124

Yield and economic advantage of direct seeded rice: empirical evidence from Nepal
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.125

Effect of rice establishment methods and nutrient management practices on subsequent wheat crop grown under different establishment methods and nutrient management practices at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.126

Effect of planting dates and sources of nitrogen on growth and yield of cauliflower at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.127

Study of production performance of Uttara breed of chicken
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.128

Performance of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes in Sunsari district of Province no. 1 Nepal
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.129

New records of Common Wolf Snake Lycodon aulicus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Serpentes: Colubridae) from Uttar Pradesh (India), with distribution of other Indian species
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.1210

Yield and yield attributes of black gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) as influenced by phosphorus and boron in acid Inceptisol
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.1211

Participatory analysis and evaluation of IPM practices against sucking pests of Bt cotton
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.1212

Impact of Krishi Vigyan Kendra on transferring knowledge to tribal farmers on improved animal husbandry practices
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.1213

The cost and revenue analysis of transactions through live sheep value chain in Sudan
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.1215

Effect of pre and post-emergence herbicides on growth and yield of chickpea under Doon Valley conditions of Uttarakhand
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.1216

Assessment of IPM module against pod borer complex in pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.)
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.1216

New locality record of Bipalium univittatum Grube, 1866 (Tricladida: Geoplanidae: Bipaliinae) from India
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.1217

Influence of abiotic factors on incidence of apple and nut borer, Thylocoptila panrosema Meyrick of cashew
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.1218

Food plants and temperature dependent mortality of Aphis craccivora (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.1219

Efficacy of pre and post-emergence herbicides on growth and yield of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under Doon Valley of Uttarakhand
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.1220

Effect of Integration of Organic and Inorganic Sources of Nitrogen on Rice (Oryza sativa l.) Yield
DOI: 10.52804/ijaas2020.1221

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