Impact of Krishi Vigyan Kendra on transferring knowledge to tribal farmers on improved animal husbandry practices

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

B.S. Khadda,Kanak Lata,Raj Kumar,S. Khajuria ,A. K. Rai

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

A study was conducted on the impact of KVK interventions on transferring knowledge to tribal farmers on improved animal husbandry practices in Panchmahal district of central Gujarat, to creating awareness regarding the efficient technologies through various efficient extension tools under the banner of ICAR- KVK, Panchmahal. A random sampling technique was applied to draw the samples of 120 farmers from eight villages of Kalol and Jambughoda Tehsil of Panchmahal district. Accordingly, strategies of technological intervention were made regularly during the period of study. In adopted villages, KVK, Panchmahal organized several activities like animal health camps, training programs, advisory services, and FLDs on different aspects of animal husbandry. The results of the study revealed that the means knowledge index and mean adoption index were recorded 39.24 and 93.81 and 77.24 and 25.43 percent, respectively for pre and after interventions. The impact of KVK interventions was found to be 53.19 percent over the existing knowledge and adoption by the trained farmers which were found to be substantial over the non-benefited tribal farmers on various aspects of animal husbandry after the intervention of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Panchmahal. Based on the study it may be concluded that the overall improvement in the knowledge of the tribal farmers with respect to the adoption of animal husbandry technologies would be possible through the demonstration of efficient technologies needed for healthy livestock rearing which had not only created awareness but also improved the knowledge and attitude of tribal farmers in relation to scientific animal husbandry practices.

Keyword :

Adoption, Animal Husbandry, Improved, KVK, Training, Knowledge.
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