Toward using Cloud Elasticity on the Internet of Things Landscape

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Rodrigo da Rosa Righi ,Márcio Miguel Gomes,Cristiano Andrá da Costa ,Helge Parzyjegla ,Hans-Ulrich Heiss

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The digital universe is growing at significant rates in recent years. One of the main responsible for this sentence is the Internet of Things (IoT), or IoT, which requires a middleware that should be capable to handle this increase of data volume at real time. Particularly, data can arrive in the middleware in parallel as in terms of input data from radiofrequency identification readers as request-reply query operations from the user’s side. Solutions modeled at software, hardware, and/or architecture levels present limitations to handle such load, facing the problem of scalability in the IoT scope. In this context, this article presents a model denoted Eliot - elasticity-driven IoT - which combines both cloud and high-performance computing to address the IoT scalability problem in a novel electronic product code (EPC) global-compliant architecture. Particularly, we keep the same application programming interface but offer an elastic EPC information services (EPCISs) component in the cloud, which is designed as a collection of virtual machines (VMs) that are allocated and deallocated on the fly in accordance with the system load. Based on the Eliot model, we developed a prototype that could run over any black box EPCglobal-compliant middleware. We selected the Fosstrak for this role, which is currently one of the most used IoT middlewares. Thus, the prototype acts as an upper layer over the Fosstrak to offer a better throughput and latency performances in an effortless way. The results are encouraging, where Eliot outperforms the non-elastic approach both in terms of response time and request throughput.

Keyword :

Internet of things, Cloud elasticity, Electronic product code global, Performance, Adaptivity, Electronic product code information services
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