Securing M2M Communication in IOT Devices

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Anurag Gupta ,Dr. Manish Verma

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Constrained devices are units for limited assets for example, CPU, primary memory (ROM and RAM), Also battery existence. These units frequently all the work similarly as sensors gathering information, machine with machine or keen gadgets controlling electrical appliances and administrations. At these gadgets connected to a network and they turn into known as “things” Also get to be and only the “Internet about Things” (IoT). IoT gadgets need aid associated with those web should consider those accumulation and return about information for web servers Also cloud information centres.Security may be defined as the protection of data from unauthorized impedance or monitoring by ensuring confidentiality, integrity of data and also authenticity.

Keyword :

Internet of Things, Protocols, Ethernet, Encryption, Sensor, HTTP, CoAP, TLS.
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