Performance Comparison Between Development Approaches in React: Hooks, Functional and Classes

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Jason Aaron Ancona Reyes

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Abstract :

Nowadays, due to constant innovations in technology, there are many available libraries to help developers in the process of designing and code visual and functional websites. Among all of them, React is currently one of the most popular in the developer community. When developers work with React, there are three common approaches used in the community. The purpose of this project is to provide a comparison between those approaches and an insight of how they perform in a real world situation. For this task, chrome developer tools was used for debugging. The three different approaches (Classes, functional and Hooks components) were tested using 4 different projects. Each project had 3 different versions. One solely relies on state management, the second one on an API response and the third one an API call and the use of Redux. After performing all tests, Hooks was the clear winner overall but still there are developers which use the other two approaches, classes approach performed better than functional but it can lead to misuse of class lifecycle which can result in a performance downgrade, that is why if possible, the use of functional when the manage of state is not required is still recommended instead of class based components for that work. React is being updated regularly and further improvement may be expected. Further studies may be needed to cover new incoming features, optimizations and improvements.

Keyword :

Hooks, javascript, programming, react, web
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