Effect of Ksharasutra Application in the Management of Bhagandara (Fistula - In - Ano) - A Case Report

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Article type :

Case report

Author :

Raj Kishor Sah ,Bijendra Shah ,Shiv Mangal Prasad

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Bhagandar (Fistula - in - Ano) is explained as one among Asht a Mahagada (The eight major diseases) in Sushruta Samhita. This disease is recurrent in nature which makes it more difficult for treatment. So, it produces inconvenience in routine life. The concept of kshar sutra has been explained in the context of Nadi vrana (sinus) by Acharya Sushruta. The application of plane silk thread has been explained by the Hippocrates for the fistula in Ano. Kshar Sutra being a medicated thread prepared as per the standard protocol has been proved as a big revolution in the trea tment of fistula - in - Ano. Kshara sutra plays an important role and the efficacy has been explained in various studies. In present case study, A 52 year old male patient came to shalya OPD with a chief complaints of pain and pus discharge from perianal regio n since last 4 months and advised for surgery for the kshar sutra. The patient was treated with the kshar sutra prepared in the Lab of Nepal Ayurveda trust & RC by following the standard protocol of preparation. The patient is treated on OPD basis with wee kly change of thread. The patient recovered well with complete excision of the tract within span of 4 weeks. Treatment of fistula - in - ano with Ksharasutra is a simple with low complications and minimal cost. Thus, ksharsutra is very effective with minimum i nvasive surgical modality for management of Bhagandara (fistula - in - ano).

Keyword :

Apamarga Kshara sutra, Ayurveda, Bhagandar, Fistula - in - Ano.
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