The Artuklu Kaime International Journal Of Economic And Administrative Studies

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The Artuklu Kaime International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies
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Status :

Under Evaluation

Journal Description

Aim & Scope


The Artuklu Kaime International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies aims to offer solutions to problems in the social, political, and economic fields on both regional and global levels with an original and scholarly academic perspective. In this regard, it aims to contribute to the academic development of the university at undergraduate and graduate levels and to the universal literature.

Our journal publishes Turkish and English articles, book introductions, and reviews in economics, business administration, political science and international relations, finance, international trade, and other economic and social fields.

The Artuklu Kaime International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies has identified as its primary goal to provide a platform for the original and scientific publications of researchers aiming to conduct academic studies in the aforementioned fields, thereby making a qualitative contribution to the country's academic infrastructure. Additionally, another aim of our journal is to become one of the leading publications nationally and internationally by creating a strong and rich academic content.



The Artuklu KA?ME Journal was initiated by the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Mardin Artuklu University in 2018. It is an international peer-reviewed journal published twice a year (in May and November).
The journal includes original studies reflecting an analytical perspective on issues concerning economics, politics, management, and business. Within this framework, publications by academics conducting research in both economic and administrative fields will be featured, as well as interdisciplinary research in the field of social sciences.
Articles written in Turkish and English are accepted for publication in the journal. If publications in languages other than Turkish or English are desired, the submission will be subject to evaluation by the editorial board. There is no obstacle to the publication of works deemed suitable for publication following the editorial board's evaluation. The responsibility for the content of the published articles lies entirely with the authors. Upon acceptance for publication in the journal, all publication rights of the article belong to the journal.
The Artuklu Kaime International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies is open access and is electronically published after review by referees. Authors and readers are not charged any fees. Submitted articles must not have been previously published or be under consideration for publication in another journal's review and publication process.
All articles submitted to the journal are subjected to preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Board/Editorial Office according to scientific criteria before being sent to referees. Works subjected to preliminary evaluation are either returned to the author with an evaluation form or sent to referees for evaluation.
Accepted articles are sent to referees by the editor/editorial assistant. The Artuklu kaime journal follows a "double-blind peer review" process. In the double-blind review method, the manuscript is sent to two referees who are experts in the field. Each referee is asked to prepare an evaluation form for the manuscript. If both referees provide positive opinions, the manuscript is considered suitable for publication, and the author is notified accordingly. If there is a difference of opinion between the referees, the manuscript is sent to a third referee. If at least two referees provide positive opinions, the work is considered suitable for publication; otherwise, it is returned to the author.
Authors submitting their work to our journal are considered to have accepted the principles outlined above.
The following areas fall within the publication scope of the Artuklu Kaime International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies:

Economic Theory
International Economics
Economic Policy
Economic History
Management and Organization
Production Management and Marketing
Accounting and Finance
Fiscal Theory
Fiscal Law
Budget and Tax
Political Science
Public Administration
Urbanization and Environmental Issues
International Relations
Political History
Constitutional Law
Regional Studies
Interdisciplinary studies in other areas of Social Sciences

Journal title :
The Artuklu Kaime International Journal Of Economic And Administrative Studies
Printed version :
Electronic version :
Publication frequency :
Access :
Open Access

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