Magna Carta: Contemporary Social Scienc

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Journal Description


The Journal aims to provide a platform for scholarly research that critically examines and contributes to our understanding of various aspects of human society. The journal seeks to foster interdisciplinary perspectives, promoting dialogue and collaboration among researchers, academicians, and practitioners in the field of social sciences. The overarching goal is to enhance our comprehension of the complex and dynamic nature of societies across the globe.

  1. Interdisciplinary Exploration: The journal encourages submissions that span multiple disciplines within the social sciences, including but not limited to sociology, anthropology, psychology, political science, economics, and geography. By fostering interdisciplinary approaches, the journal aims to enrich the depth and breadth of societal analyses.

  2. Critical Inquiry and Analysis: We seek manuscripts that engage in critical inquiry and analysis, addressing pressing issues and challenges faced by contemporary societies. The journal is particularly interested in research that employs rigorous methodologies and theoretical frameworks to shed light on the complexities of human behavior, societal structures, and cultural phenomena.

  3. Global Perspectives: The journal is committed to presenting a global perspective on social issues. We encourage submissions that examine societal dynamics in diverse cultural, geographical, and historical contexts, fostering a nuanced understanding of the similarities and differences that shape human societies around the world.

  4. Policy Implications: Recognizing the importance of scholarly research in informing policy and practice, the journal welcomes studies that explore the practical implications of social science research. We are interested in research that contributes to evidence-based decision-making, social policy development, and the improvement of societal well-being.

  5. Emerging Trends and Innovations: The journal aims to be at the forefront of discussions on emerging trends and innovations in the social sciences. We welcome contributions that explore new methodologies, theoretical frameworks, and technological advancements that enhance our ability to study and comprehend societal phenomena.

  6. Inclusivity and Diversity: The journal is committed to promoting inclusivity and diversity in research. We encourage submissions that reflect a variety of perspectives, including those of underrepresented groups. By embracing diversity, the journal aims to contribute to a more comprehensive and equitable understanding of social dynamics.

  7. Educational Insights: In addition to research articles, the journal invites submissions that provide insights into social science education. This includes pedagogical approaches, curriculum development, and reflections on teaching practices that contribute to the advancement of social science education.


Journal title :
Magna Carta: Contemporary Social Scienc
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