Journal of Original Studies (E-ISSN: 2717-719X - DOI: 10.47243/jos)is an international peer-reviewed and periodical journal that began publishing in 2020. The journal includes original applied studies in the field of social sciences and humanities which have not been published before. It aims to publish qualitative, quantitative and mixed researches involving local, national and international practices and present current research to scientists in the field. Journal of Original Studies is an international refereed Rating Academy journal. The journal accepts original applied studies in the field of social sciences and humanities which have not been published before. The manuscripts should be prepared using the following three basic methods:
The journal is published two times a year in Winter (January) and Summer (July).
The journal is open to all applied studies in the field of social sciences and humanities. The journal aims to publish current applied researches in the fields of statistics, econometrics, finance, banking, actuary, economics, business, international relations, tourism, philosophy, psychology, sociology, history, management, politics, marketing, geography, literature, arts, sports et al.
Journal of Original Studies is an open access electronic journal. DOI numbers are assigned to all articles published in the journal.
The language of the studies is Turkish or English. Review articles, theoretical studies, book reviews and technical reports will not be included in the journal.