Journal Of Dental Research And Scientific Development

Online-Issn No :
Subject :
Dental Sciences
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Journal Description

Association of Dental Research and Scientific Development is formed by a cohort of dentist to promote research and scientific development. The objectives of the association are: To promote dental research at a national and international level. To collaborate with dental research bodies nationally and internationally for learning new techniques and technology which will enable scientific development. To organize local, national and international meetings, workshop, seminars and symposia. To publish journal containing findings of the latest research work which will help the dentist community to be abreast with the latest technology and methodology. To popularize dental research at school and colleges at national and international level. To secure and manage funds and endowments for the promotion of dental health. To provide dental research consultancy . To conduct epidemiological or clinical studies so as to acquire new knowledge in the existing and or progressing dental diseases and dental treatment. To develop educational material in dental health using information technology. To promote community dental activities. To perform all other acts that may assist in or are necessary for the fulfillment of the above mentioned objectives as well as any additional objectives

Journal title :
Journal Of Dental Research And Scientific Development
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Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Journals Insights Open Access Journal Filmy Knowledge Hanuman Devotee Avtarit Wiki In Hindi Multiple Choice GK