Journal Of Aging And Gerontology

Online-Issn No :
Subject :
Health Sciences
Language :
Publisher :
Savvy Science Publisher
Country :
Status :


Journal Description

Journal of Aging and Gerontology focuses on natural processes. In our goal of understanding age-related diseases and disabilities, this journal will propose new insights. It is a medium for the publication of papers from the fields of experimental gerontology and clinical and social geriatrics. The principal aim of the journal is to facilitate the exchange of information between specialists in these three fields of gerontological research. Experimental papers dealing with the basic mechanisms of aging at molecular, cellular, tissue or organ levels will be published. Clinical papers will be accepted if they provide sufficiently new information or are of fundamental importance for the knowledge of human aging. Purely descriptive clinical papers will be accepted only if the results permit further interpretation. Papers dealing with anti-aging pharmacological preparations in humans are welcome. Papers on the social aspects of geriatrics will be accepted if they are of general interest regarding the epidemiology of aging and the efficiency and working methods of the social organizations for the health care of the elderly. The journal shares new ideas for: Cell Signaling Pathways DNA Stability Protein Homeostasis Stem Cellular Senescence DNA Telomeres Neurodegeneration Integrative Physiology

Journal title :
Journal Of Aging And Gerontology
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