International Journal Of Pharmacy & Integrated Health Sciences

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Superior University
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Journal Description


Welcome To IJPIHS

International Journal of Pharmacy & Integrated Health Sciences (IJPIHS) is a high quality international refereed research journal with an EISSN 2789-2840 PISSN 2958-1656 which is published twice a year (March & September). It calls for papers in areas relevant to Health Sciences. This journal aims to establish itself as a platform for exchanging ideas on new emerging trends in pharmaceutical and integrated health sciences that needs more focus and exposure. IJPIHS is always committed to publishing articles that will strengthen the knowledge of upcoming Academician, Researchers and Scientists.

Journal Specification of issues per year: Biannual (2 times a year)

Non-article content if applicable: Editorial

Review process: Double Blind


IJPIHS Aim and Scope

International Journal of Pharmacy & Integrated Health Sciences (IJPIHS ) is an open access journal, publishes high-quality Research papers, Review articles, Mini-reviews, Short-communications and Letter to the editor. Submission of a manuscript to IJPIHS implies that all of the authors have to be aware of the submission and manuscript is not under consideration by any other journal, and no part has been published elsewhere. This journal aims to establish itself as a platform for exchanging ideas on new emerging trends in pharmaceutical and integrated health sciences that needs more focus and exposure. IJPIHS is always committed to publishing articles that will strengthen the knowledge of upcoming Academician, Researchers and Scientists.


Types of Manuscript to be considered in journal

International Journal of Pharmacy & Integrated Health Sciences (IJPIHS )  will publish manuscripts including: Original research, Review articles, Mini-reviews, Short communication and Letter to editor.


Subject Area Covered

       Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • Pharmaceutics
  • Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Pharmacogenomics
  • Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine
  • Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • Natural Product Research
  • Pharmacognosy
  • Ethanobotany
  • Phytochemistry
  • Novel and Targeted Drug Delivery
  • Drug Regulatory Affairs
  • Case Study and Full clinical trials
    Health policy
  • Pharmacovigilance

       Biological Sciences

  • Biotechnology
  • Biochemistry
  • Bioinformatics
  • Genetics
  • Cell biology
  • Microbiology
  • Mycology
  • Molecular and structural biology
  • Allied Health Sciences
  • Biomaterials and
  • Bioactive polymers
  • Environmental Sciences


Journal title :
International Journal Of Pharmacy & Integrated Health Sciences
Printed version :
Electronic version :
Publication frequency :
Access :
Open Access

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