International Journal Of Innovation In Enterprise System

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International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System (IJIES)
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Journal Description



International Journal of Innovation in Enterprise System (IJIES) is a peer-reviewed international journal which publishes original articles of significant value in all areas of Innovation in Enterprise Systems. The journal organized by the School of Industrial Engineering, Telkom University two times a year every July and December in form of online publication with e-ISSN 2580-3050. The journal covers research articles, research-in-brief, and review articles comprising all disciplines related to Enterprise Systems, particularly Information Systems & Technology, and relevant multidisciplinary domains such as Industrial Engineering and Management. The journal welcomes relevant articles including soft computing and data mining, information system, software engineering, enterprise architecture, manufacturing system, industrial system and supply chain management, engineering management, etc, which is considered as high valued work in this area. 




Journal title :
International Journal Of Innovation In Enterprise System
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Volume 1 Issue 1
Volume 2 Issue 1 Issue 2
Volume 3 Issue 1 Issue 2
Volume 4 Issue 1 Issue 2
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