International Journal Of Fitness, Health, Physical Education & Iron Games

Online-Issn No :
2349- 722X
Print-Issn No :
2349- 722X
Subject :
Health Sciences
Language :
Publisher :
Dr.Kaukab AZEEM
Country :
Status :


Journal Description

International Journal of Fitness, Health, Physical Education & Iron Games (IJFHPEIG) is an Academic, online peer-reviewed, refereed Journal and published by IFFHPEIG. The Journal had inspires lot of researchers from the globe to contribute in the field of sports, Physical Education and Iron Games to published their research work. It is great honor to receive lot of responses from the contributors for contributing and sharing their knowledge. We take privilege in inviting our colleagues/students/ researchers/ Faculty members to send their research work to publish in our esteemed Journal.

Journal title :
International Journal Of Fitness, Health, Physical Education & Iron Games
Printed version :
Electronic version :
Publication frequency :
Access :

Volume 1 Issue 1
Volume 2 Issue 1
Journals Insights Open Access Journal Filmy Knowledge Hanuman Devotee Avtarit Wiki In Hindi Multiple Choice GK