International Journal Of Advanced Scientific Technologies In Engineering And Management Sciences .

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Journal Description

IJASTEMS is an International professional organization dedicated for Advances Scientific Technologies,Engineering & Management Sciences to benefit humanity Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished Research Paper, Survey Paper, Informative Article, Case Studies, Review Papers, Comparative Studies, Dissertation Chapters, Research Proposals or Synopsis, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas. All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions. All authors must agree on the content of the manuscript and its submission for publication in this journal before it is submitted to us. Periodicity: Monthly, 12 Issues Per Year Language : English ISSN (Online) : ISSN 2454 – 356X Areas Covered: Multidisciplinary Type of Articles Accepted: Research Paper, Survey Paper, Informative Article, Case Studies, Review Papers, Comparative Studies, Dissertation Chapters, Research Proposals or Synopsis, Post Graduate Programme Thesis, Doctoral Thesis.

Journal title :
International Journal Of Advanced Scientific Technologies In Engineering And Management Sciences .
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Journals Insights Open Access Journal Filmy Knowledge Hanuman Devotee Avtarit Wiki In Hindi Multiple Choice GK