Himalayan Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health

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Journal Description


About the Journal “Himalayan Journal of Community Public Health” Abbreviated Key Title: Hmlyan Jr Comm Pub Hlth.; ISSN Print : 2709-3522 | ISSN Online : 2709-3530 Open Access is peer reviewed, Bi-Monthly, open access Academic and Research Journal Published by Inlight Publisher, Kuwait. This Journal publishes Original Research Articles, Review Articles, Case Studies, Editorial Comments and other scientific studies within all the fields of medical sciences.

The main objective of the journal is to deal with the health issues related to the public and community as a whole which involves efforts to control infection, maintain proper sanitation, imparting health education and enhancing the provision of health care services to the communities and related research which is in need to take the research at an international level. In order to achieve this, it is important to bring the research to the scientific community across the globe in order to advance the knowledge and understanding of the health sector with a bias to community medicine and primary health care from all stakeholders.

Nipah Virus, COVID-19(Corona Virus), Henipa Viruses, Antibiotic Resistance, Breastfeeding, Behavioural Health, Clinical Trials, Community Engagement, Community Health, Child/Adolescent Health, Chronic Diseases, Disease Transmission, Health Informatics, Health Care Management, Health Care Quality, Efficiency, Human Nutrition, Immunization, Maternal & Child Health, Primary Healthcare, Public Health, Reproductive Health, Sexually-Transmitted Infections, Vaccination


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Himalayan Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health
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Volume 3
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