Journal starting year: (September)2022
Frequency: Monthly
Aim & Scope
Global Scientific and Academic Research Journal of Economics, Business and Management (ISSN 2583-5645) is an open access peer-reviewed, monthly international journal Published by GSAR Publishers. with a strong Editorial Board and a tested rapid review system. publishing high quality research findings as original Research Articles Review Articles Short Communications, and Letters To Editor in all aspects of applied sciences. This journal will follow precise peer review process involving expert review committee.
The subjects, in specific, covered by the journal include:
- Accounting
- Administrative System
- Brand Management
- Business
- Business Economics
- Business Policy and Strategy
- Critical Management Studies
- Data Management
- Design Management
- Economics
- Educational Management
- Energy Management
- Environmental Management
- Finance
- Foodservice Management
- Health Care Administration
- Human Resource Management
- Information Management
- Knowledge Management
- Logistics
- Management of Behavior
- Management of Enterprises
- Management Psychology
- Management Strategy
- Marketing Management
- Operations Management
- Organizational Management
- Port Management
- Production Management
- Project and Quality Management
- Public Administration
- Public Sector Management
- Risk Management and Insurance
- Security and Risk Management
- Service Innovation and Management