About Journal
“East African Scholars Multidisciplinary Bulletin” ISSN 2617-4413 (Print) & ISSN 2617-717X (Online) is a Multidisciplinary monthly, peer reviewed, open access Academic and Research Journal which publishes Original Research Articles, Review, Essays, Short Communications, Case Studies, editorial comments, book review etc in multiple language on Arts, Language, Literature, Humanities , Medicine, Biological Sciences, Agriculture, Engineering, management and in all scientific disciplines.
Scope of Journal
Aim and Scope: The aim of the “East African Scholars Multidisciplinary Bulletin” is to promote excellence by providing a venue for academicians, Researchers and students to publish significant empirical and conceptual works and share globally. Scopes: “East African Scholars Multidisciplinary Bulletin” publishes in all branches and sub-branches of following disciplines- • Agriculture Sciences • Biological Sciences • Business and Management • Business and Management • Engineering & Technology • Humanities and Social Sciences • Language and Literature • Medical Sciences • Physcial and Material Sciences