Eureka: Physics And Engineering

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Journal Description

EUREKA: Physics and Engineering is the interdisciplinary research edition covering scientific areas: Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Energy, Engineering,  Physics and Astronomy, Material Science, Mechanical Engineering, Fundamental and applied physics, Mathematical Sciences. Taking into account the interdisciplinary character of the journal, the authors in its materials should emphasize field of application of their research, always emphasizing the importance of the subject for the research community in related fields of knowledge. For example, If the article deals with the new inorganic materials then should be pointed as such materials may be used by specialists in the field of energy, electronics, etc., or how understanding the mechanism of the processes can be taken into account in the synthesis of other new materials. And If the article is about new methods of mathematical modeling, it should specify what restrictions may apply specifics of field of application to the proposed original method (accounting of external factors, the initial or boundary conditions, internal factors that can not be an accurate accounting and so on). Therefore, when submitting the articles in this section, are welcome articles, co-authors of which are experts in different fields of knowledge.

The editorial board practices double-blind peer review.

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Eureka: Physics And Engineering
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Volume 1 Issue 0
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