About Journal
“EAS Journal of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care” ISSN 2663-094X (Print) and ISSN 2663-676X (Online) is monthly, peer reviewed, open access Academic and Research Journal which publishes Full Length Original Research Articles, Review, Essays, Short Communications, Case Studies, editorial comments etc in the fields of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care
Scope of Journal
The aim of the “EAS Journal of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care” is to promote excellence by providing a venue for Anaesthesiologists, academicians, Physicians, Surgeons, Researchers and students to publish significant empirical and conceptual findings in Anaesthesiology and Critical Care and share globally. Scopes: “EAS Journal of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care” publishes in clinical specialties of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care, and Emergency Medicine like Anesthetic administration, Pain management, Pharmacokinetics, Preoperative and postoperative considerations, Perioperative care, Critical care, Pediatric anesthesia, Obstetric anesthesia, Veterinary anaesthesia, Clinical and experimental research, Anesthetic mechanisms, Administration and efficacy, Technology and monitoring etc.