Atras Journal

Journal title :
Online-Issn No :
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Publisher :
Faculty of Letters, Languages, and Arts
Country :
Status :

Under Evaluation

Journal Description

The journal’s main objective is to pave the way for scholars, researchers, and experts to share their findings with people worldwide so that they can improve research in language and pedagogy. The journal publishes original contributions from anywhere in the world, so long as they are of general interest, meet its specific academic demands, and help both to cast light on the different elements of educational activities and to implement a more humanizing, critical, and effective professional practice. Therefore, there is no limit on topics or methodology, but there is a restriction on quality, level of depth, and coherence.
Pieces based on opinion polls, pieces with a local character, or pieces with a limited pedagogical dimension have no place here. All articles must be strictly original and must not have been considered in other journals.

Journal title :
Atras Journal
Printed version :
Electronic version :
Publication frequency :
Access :
Open Access

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