AITUSRJ is a peer-reviewed, open-access, quarterly (1st January to 31st March, 1st April to 30th June, 1st July to 30th September and 1st October to 31st December) multidisciplinary research journal published by American International Theism University Florida-USA.
SRJ wants to be the leading source for education research. The publication will offer scholars and researchers several insights into educational research. The journal publishes research papers, reviews, and case studies. Education, Higher Education, Primary to Tertiary Education, Early childhood Education, Technical Education, Teachers Education, Islam, Science & Education, Adult Education, Schooling, Educational Administration & Management, Curriculum, Curricular & co-curricular Activities, Educational Psychology, Sociology, philosophy, History of Education, Character Education, Corporal Punishment, Critical Thinking, Dress Codes, Polices, Testing, Evaluation & Examination Homeschooling, Sex Education, Multicultural Education, Educational Action Research, Parents Education, Environment, Parent-Teacher Relationship, Public School Prayer socioeconomic consequences Privatizing education, public sector, religious education, career education, teacher professional development, school violence, Islamic studies, Islamic history, Islamic finance and economics, and other multi-disciplinary research areas.