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Abstract :

In the World there are many country has been a male dominated country, The India also has been a male dominant country for decades, which led to creating new women centric laws. The new laws provide protection to married women from cruelty and dowry harassment from her husband or any relatives of the husband. The IPC also benefits women against assault or criminal force and sexual harassment. Women centric laws as aforementioned are indispensable to protect the interests of women, there are instances where these laws have been misused by women for their own benefits. For this study followings are the objectives: Objectives: 1. To study about which are the women Centric laws applicable in India 2. To study about how are women centric laws misused. Discussion and Out Comes of the Study: The laws discussed in this study were made in the years 1860, 1956, and 1983 - a time when women could not say much about anything. At that time, men were considered superior to women. That must have been the reason why all these laws were so important to women. This issue requires gender-based alternatives instead of same-sex benefits. Men and their families are being dragged to court without having to share in the evils committed by women who consider themselves to be illegal. Conclusion: Misuse of these rules is a violation of the law and the purpose of these laws. Changes to these rules may be brought by attorneys. Lawyers have the power to challenge a court case for failing to comply with gender-neutral laws. They have the opportunity to initiate change and prevent self-centered women from harming the cleanliness of the institution by neglecting the rules that should serve as a shield. Before making amendments, a solution to this issue must be created.

Keyword :

Women, Rules, abuse, centric.
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