The Historical Development of Childhood and Children's Rights

Article type :

Review article

Author :

Hicran Atatan?r

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Among the life stages, childhood has a special and decisive place in human development. The conditions that a person has at this stage, when he starts to understand himself, his family, his environment, the opportunities that he can/cannot reach, and the relationship between them, perhaps contain causes and consequences that will be effective throughout his life. These most vulnerable years of human life appear as one of the most sensitive periods for a person to realize himself. The meaning and function attributed to the child in societies has a history that develops in parallel with the importance and value given to human existence. The lessons learned from these experiences by people who realize what problems they have to struggle with and what consequences they have to face in their lives since childhood, in what we can call adulthood, also build the future of children. This study aims to present a holistic framework with a focus on Turkey regarding the historical development of the phenomenon of childhood and children's rights. In order to ensure the well-being of children, a window has been tried to be opened on the struggle for rights and lessons to be learned today

Keyword :

Childhood, children’s rights, human rights
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