the ethno medicinal practices and herbal heritage of kani tribe in thiruvananthapuram district

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Article type :

Review Article

Author :

A. Sanithabeevi

Abstract :

Tribals are the indigenous population of a country. They are the social group usually with a definite social area, dialect, cultural homogeneity and unifying social organization having several subgroups, such as clans or sibs. Most of the Tribal’s were originally food gatherers and all of them made a living from the forest. Kanikkars are a prominent group among the tribal’s in Kerala mostly found in western parts of Thiruvananthapuram and Kollam Districts. The Kani tribes, the method of health care system is immensely associated with their religious believes along with the interference of soul, spirit and deity. Their livelihood depends upon a number of natural resources, in this regard; the traditional health care practice needs attention. In case of any health issue or its method of treatments is transformed in a community matter. The Thiruvananthapuram District is largely covered by a forest and several other natural resources are used by the local population in every perspective of their life. They have a strong belief in supernatural powers and its impact on their health ailments. The traditional healers ‘are using a number of locally available plant resources for treatment. The present study was initiated with the prime objective to identify the relationship between traditional cultural practices, environmental resources and indigenous knowledge of health care system among the kani people.

Keyword :

Herbal heritage, Health care system, Kanikkar, Ayurveda, Agasthyarkudam
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