Social Work in the Workplace and Older Workers

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Article type :

Review article

Author :

Emre Kol,Seda Topgül

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

As aging increasingly impacts society, occupational social workers can draw on gerontological research and practice in developing programs to help older workers confront age discrimination, prepare for retirement, cope with health problems, and reduce stress in family relationships. Workplaces are a viable space for preventive and therapeutic interventions to address social problems associated with longevity. Occupational social workers have a particular challenge in reaching older workers who primarily identify with their job role. Human service programs for the job, worker and workplace complex have been adopted by the private sector, the public sector and trade unions. These programs include stress, marital problems, relocation, emotional illness, retirement and unemployment, aspects of the human condition that attract the attention of workplace social workers. What is unique is the environment in which these issues are addressed. Historically, the organization's production goals and the human and social needs of its employees have existed in a difficult tension. Work concerns and personal concerns have been appropriately recognized as separate domains. In conclusion, the introduction of human service programs such as Employee Support Programs and the spread of social workers in the professional environment indicate a new development for social work and workplaces in Turkey. Today, professional social work continues its transformation from an isolated environment to a common practice area. This change deserves discussion within the social work profession.

Keyword :

Social Work, Gerontology, Aging, Workplace Social Work, Industrial Social Work
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