Post Internet Addiction: Netlessfobia and Virtualized Identity

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Article type :

Review article

Author :

Furkan Ar?

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Internet addiction has emerged with the spread of the Internet and increased usage. Internet addiction has left individuals confronted with Netlessfobia. With the problem of netlessfobia, individuals increase their internet usage and become virtualized identities. With the virtualization of the identity of individuals, there is a disconnection in social relations. The disconnection in social relations is tried to be met with virtual environments. In this case, the virtual environments also make individuals more isolated, causing them to break away from society. In this study, it has been emphasized that the individuals who are faced with the internet addiction and Netlessfobia problem and that this problem virtualizes the identity of the individuals, and that the identities that are virtualized are alienated from the social life. In addition, it was aimed to focus on the internet addiction and the negative effects of Netlessfobia on individuals. The hypothesis of the study is that “Internet addiction, Netlessfobia causes the identity to be virtualized” and “Virtualized identity is isolated from society and feels a sense of loneliness.” In the study, the compilation method was used and the concepts of internet addiction, netlessphobia, virtual identities and virtual socialization were explained and the subject was discussed within the framework of the determined hypotheses.

Keyword :

Internet addiction, Netlessfobia, Virtual Identity, Virtual Socialization, Social Work
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