Pilonidal Sinus Treated With Chedana and Ksharkarma : A Case Study

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Article type :

Case report

Author :

Pratiksha R. Patel , ,T.S. Dudhamal 2

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Pilonidal disease is a common anorectal problem that typically affects young people. Pilonidal sinus describes a hair - filled c avity in the subcutaneous fat of the post sacral intergluteal region known as the natal cleft. Here we reported a new case of the pilonidal sinus, presented with boil with slight seropurulent foul discharge from post anal region in the natal cleft. A male patient of 21 years consulted to outpatient department, with above complaints. The most commonly used surgical techniques for pilonidal sinus includes excision with primary closure and excision with reconstructive flap with their own limitation(PNS).In Ayurveda acharya Sushruta has considered it under shalyaj nadi vrana ( sinus or fistula due to foreign body). Sushruta mentioned the chedana as well as ksharkarma in the management of Nadivrana . Hence the study concluded that excision & ksharkarma in pilon idal sinus is one of the potential treatment option to avoid recurrence.

Keyword :

Apamarg kshara, Nadivrana, Pilonidal sinus.
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