perception of traders on common barriers to trade of red chilli spice in tamil nadu

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Original Article

Author :

P. Muthupandi, C. Sekhar and A. Anitha Pauline

Abstract :

The chilli being the universal spice, the entry of number of traders into the trading activities both in domestic as well as export market is widening. The secret of increase in the number of traders and exporters is to gain higher foreign exchange through export when compared to the local market sale of red chilli. While entering into the export trade, even though the traders were in possession of import-export code, they depend some of the export houses for hassle free export besides meeting the local needs. While exporting certain products, the traders could come across certain common barriers which hinders their trade either directly or indirectly. The traders perception on the common barriers were obtained from the sample traders based on the finalized statements which was adjudged by the experts in the social sciences were provided with scores which ranges from ‘01’ to ‘05’ following a five point continuum of likert scale. Among the ten common barriers to trade identified, the perception of the traders were centered around 4.04 mean score for the sanitary and phyto sanitary issues highlighted that this issue becomes a big barrier to the traders followed by government regulations, import quota and the certification requirements were also equally contributing as a barrier to the traders which was confirmed from their respective mean scores ranging between 3.6 to 4.0. From that one could prioritize the barrier which is found to be common among the traders and one could take appropriate effort to solve the problems that emanate from the barriers.

Keyword :

Perception of traders, Common barriers to trade, Hidden barriers to trade, Scaling techniques, Likert scaling technique
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