Management of Waja? al - Rakba (knee Osteoarthritis) by Takm?dH?rRatab (hot and moist fomentation) and Habb - i - S?ranj?n : A case study

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Article type :

Case report

Author :

Aysha Ansari ,Saima Saleem ,Mohd Afsahul Kalam

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Knee osteoarthritis is a painful condition that represents the degeneration of the cartilages and osteophyte formation in knee joint that affects millions of people worldwide. In Un?ni System of Medicine, it has been treated by a number of single or compound drugs and various regimens of ‘Ilajbi’lTadb?r such as cupping, venesection, massage, hot fomentation, irrigation etc. Among these regimens Takm?d (fomentation) either moist or cold is being used with the aim to resolve the swellings caused by r?h (gas), to reduce the pain and to make soften, and also for diversion and evacuation of Maw?d - i - f?sida (morbid materials) from the affected parts. A patient with chief complaints of pain in both knee joints, along with the swelling and mild tenderness feeling severe pain while performing daily activity for last 1 yearwas treated atIPD of the Hospital National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore, to evalua te the efficacy of TakmidH?r Ratab with a warm decoction of drugs including Bab?na ( dried leaves and branches ) , N?kh?na (dried legumes) , Makokhushq ( dried fruits ) , Gul - i - t?su ( dried flowers ) , S?ranj?nTalkh (dried corm) and Namak - i - l?hori in crude form loca lly for 10 sittings of alternate application. Along with local, oral compound drug Habb - i - S?ranj?n 2 two times a day for 30 days. The patient was assessed at zero day and 30th day on the basis of changes in subjective and objective parameters, with the help of Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS).At the end of the treatment patient got significant relief in subjective and objective parameters. The present study reveals that Takm?dH?r Ratab along with Habb - i - S?ranj?n is pills safe and effective therapy in the treatment of Waja’ al - Rakba without any side effect. Hence this case may be recommended for further larger sample sized study.

Keyword :

Habb - i - S?ranj?n, Knee Osteo Arthritis, Regimenal therapy, Takm?d H?r Ratab, Unani, Waja’ al - Rakba
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