Management of Kapala Ekakushtha (Scalp Psoriasis) by Vamana Karma and Shamana Chikitsa - A case report

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Article type :

Case report

Author :

SG Girbide ,Prerna Raut ,Ratna Damle

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

In Ayurvedic classics, most skin disorders have been classified under one word i.e. Kushtha. Psoriasis is chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder having deep psychological and social impact. In Mumbai, overall incidence of Psoriasis among total patients attending skin OPD is 0.44% to 2.8%. Psoriasis is an extensive disease and its symptoms have a resemblance to not just one but different skin diseases described in Ayurveda. As per Modern science, cardinal symptom of Psoriasis is plaque of red skin; often covered with loose, silver colored fishlike scales. These lesions may be itchy. If these symp toms confined to the scalp region it termed as Scalp Psoriasis, Thus if we consider above symptoms, they closely resemble L l akshanas of Ekakushtha as described by Charaka .Out of all Psoriasis, scalp psoriasis is difficult to treat as relapse is very commo n as medicine stopped. Ayurveda has mentioned effective treatment for Psoriasis by doing Panchakarma like Vamana and Shamana Chikitsa by using Ayurvedic medicine. Present case report of 38 year old female patient having severe scalp psoriasis showed encour aging result after Shodhana and Shamana Chikitsa.

Keyword :

Ekakushtha, scalp psoriasis ,Vamana, Shamana chikitsa
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