Legal Regulations on Women and Family in Turkey and the Phenomenon of Divorce

Article type :

Review article

Author :

?irin Targan Çal??

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The family, which is characterized as the basic building block of society, is affected by socioeconomic and cultural changes in various ways, including the change and transformation of family structures. On the other hand, family policies centered on gender equality in legal standards have begun to be introduced in Turkey, as well as different countries of the world, in response to societal developments in other parts of the world. However, some argue that policies and legal regulations promoting gender equality and women's rights have a negative impact on the Turkish family structure and lead to an increase in divorces. In this context, this study aims to discuss the divorce phenomena in Turkey through legal regulations for women and families, research findings and statistical data. In this scope, national and international legislation, Research on Family Structure in Turkey (2006, 2011, 2016, 2018), TUIK data (2017, 2020), Reasons for Divorce Research (2014), Domestic Violence Research (2014) and the reasons for divorce in the studies in the literature were reviewed. Relationship difficulties as a reason for divorce have been identified as an important factor for both men and women in research and statistics. As a result, it is reasonable to conclude that the reasons that lead to divorce cannot be linked to a single cause, and that legal regulations covering women and families would have had no direct impact on divorces

Keyword :

Family, Gender, Woman, Divorce, Social Work
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