Important Benefits of Astanga Yoga

Article type :

Review article

Author :

Rakshith KR

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Yoga is a science having history of more than 5000 years. In Shiva Samhita, it is believed that the art of yoga originated from Lord Shiva himself and Parvathy was his first disciple Presently more than 150 countries across the Globe have accepted the science of Yoga and adopted the practice of yoga in their daily routine. Acharya Charaka said “Yogo Moksha Pravartakaha” which means yoga will help us to attain Moksha which is ultimate goal of all the living beings. In yoga shastra it is said that Manasika Dosha can be corrected and prevented by practice of yoga where as Sharirika Doshas can be corrected by Ayurveda. Some classical text books of Yoga like Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, Shiva Samhita, Patanjali Yoga Sutras explains in detail about the practice and benefits of yoga shastra.

Keyword :

Yoga, Ayurveda, Moksha, Health
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