Impact of front line demonstration on turmeric in Mahasamund district of Chhattisgarh

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Article type :

Short Communication

Author :

Saket Dubey, Kunal Chandrakar, S.K. Verma and Ravish Keshri

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

A front line demonstration was conducted at five farmers field in Mahasamund district of Chhattisgarh during Kharif 2016-17 to demonstrate the improved package of practice of Turmeric (Curcuma longa). There were two treatments in which one was local check and was cultivation of turmeric with full package of practice.The result revealed that local check gives a yield of 182 q/ha. while turmeric cultivation with full package of practices gives a yield of 241 q/ha. which shows that by adopting package of practices there were 32% increase in yield. The rhizome weight per plant recorded to be 184 g in local check against a 224 g in demonstration field. Similarly net return was also calculated which shows that local check gives a net income of Rs. 179400/ ha with a B:C ratio of 2.38 against a net income of Rs. 259700 with B:C ratio of 2.73 in demonstration field. The extension gap recorded was 59 per cent during the period of study.

Keyword :

Extension gap, FLD, Turmeric, Technology gap, Technology index
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