Immunity Vs Idiosyncrasy: Homoeopathic Approach

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Article type :

Review article

Author :

charanjeet singh

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The immune system is one of the most complex and intriguing systems of the human body. Immunity is always considered beneficial however; the protective mechanisms may at time become harmful, especially when the body attempts to eliminate antigens from the system. Disease such as allergies and asthma are part of the harmful effect of the immune system. IDIOSYNCRASY: Dr. Hahnemann used this term for hypersensitive patients, in Organon of Medicine; in the aphorism 116-117 Master Hahnemann has mentioned that there is a category of peculiar corporeal constitutions, which are otherwise healthy but are prone to become morbid from certain things, which seems to produce no impression or change in many other individuals. .

Keyword :

Key wods- Hypersentivity, Antigen
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