
Article type :

Original article

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Abstract :

The Yoruks have undeniable effects in the economic and social life of the Ottoman Empire, in the joy of the dormitories and in ensuring the security of critical points such as passages and belts of the roads. It is necessary to consider the Kesli Yoruks in this context. The Kesli Yoruks, which have been seen in the Eskiil district since the 16th century, migrated to the ?çel starboard in the middle of the 17th century. Before the 18th century, while Gülnar district was living in Sariekinlik district, they are seen in Silifke and Tarsus in 1721 records. Therefore, they are now among the Icel Yoruk congregations. Since they are always side by side with the nomads of the neck, there are signs that they are the origin of the Danishmend Yoruks. Kesli Yoruks, one of the tribes called people who usually come from the same origin, live together and migrate together, appear in an administrative structure called congregation. There is more detailed information about the Kesli Yoruks, especially in the 19th century, both in the temettuat book and in the reports submitted to the government. According to these reports, they winter around Silifke and spring in Susama. While some of the Kesli Yoruks continued to live around Silifke in the early 20th century, the name of Kesli became the names of villages. Based on research and articles that examine Temettuat, population registers, government reports and registries, we see that even though the Kesli Yoruks lost their tribal identity today, the regions where they still live are one of the main sources of human existence. As a result of our investigations and analysis, this issue has also been tried to be highlighted.

Keyword :

içel, Silifke, Ke?li, Yörük, Cemaat, Nahiye, Sar?ekinlik.
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