Fibers as nutraceuticals: A review

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Article type :

Review Article

Author :

Ashok Kumar Sharma, Nitin Sharma, Tanya, Jaiprakash Verma, Ankur

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The finest foods for bodybuilding, or "Superfoods," in our everyday diet are fruits. And now is the moment to join the movement for a successful year to come. They aid in muscular growth and are tasty and healthful. Yes, it is. Fruits are sometimes disregarded in bodybuilding communities because of their sugar content, but with good planning, gains may be increased.Fruits are a good source of potassium, carbohydrates, vitamin C, and antioxidants, all of which aid in muscle growth. The very best Fruits won't empty your bank account. These affordable natural supplements provide a balanced intake of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients without the unintended negative effects of synthetic supplements.Fiber might be beneficial if you're trying to gain strength and muscle. It doesn't directly fuel your gains or induce muscular growth, but it does other things that can improve your workout performance.

Keyword :

Superfoods, Supplements, Vitamins, Fiber, Strength
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