export performance of the banana in india

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

V. G. Landge and S.G. Ingle

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Banana is the second most important fruit in India next to mango. India is the second most producer, processor, exporter and consumer of banana. The study was based on secondary data collected from APEDA (Agriculture Produce Export Development Authority). The data pertained to the period of twenty year that is from 1993-94 to 2012-13.The major importing countries of banana from India during the period (1993-94 to 2012-13) UAE ( 29.53%) , Nepal (20.91%), Saudi Arab (12.52%), Bahrain (7.52%), Kuwait (6.54%). The linear growth rate of export of banana from India indicated during the overall period . Positive and significant growth rates were seen in UAE, Nepal, Saudi Arab, Bahrain and Kuwait. The compound rates during the overall period were positive and significant. The export earning of Banana from India (in terms of value) during the overall period having the positive and significant.

Keyword :

Banana, export, Growth rate, Performance
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