Exploratory laparotomy in huge mucinous cystadenoma - a Single Case Study

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Article type :

Case report

Author :

Yogesh Badwe ,Pooja Moje

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Ovarian cyst is most common problems in women due to changing life style, food habits. Ovarian cyst are closed, sac like structure within the ovary that are fills with a liquid or semi - solid substance. T hiscase study deals with post - menopausal 55years lady having chief complaints with a large cystic swelling at all over abdomen with nausea since 1 year. After local examination, USG and CT scan reports, provisional diagnosis was made as hydatid cyst and d ecided to do exploratory laparotomy. During intra - operative procedure large cyst was noted arising from left ovary with multiple cysts filled with clear fluid in one section and haemorrhagic fluid in other section inside. The cyst of 3.5kg was excised by l aparotomy. Histopathology of the excised mass reported as mucinous cystadenoma

Keyword :

Hydatid cyst, exploratory laparotomy, ovarian cyst, mucinous cystadenoma
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