Continuation of organic farming practice in Southern Karnataka : Farmers’ socio-economic condition and their rationale

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

K. P. Naveena and K.B. Umesh

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

In recent years, increasing concern about food safety, health hazards and environmental damage both among consumers and producers is leading to increased adoption of organic farming and production of organic foods in the State. But, some farmers are reluctant to convert because of the perceived high costs and risks involved in organic farming. Despite the attention which has been paid to organic farming over the last few years, very little accessible information exists on the impact of State sponsored organic farming scheme on benefits accrued to the farmers and also the extent of continuing these practices by the farmers after the withdrawal of assistances by the State. Hence, the present study is an attempt to analyze the factors influencing adoption of organic farming by the farmers after the withdrawal of project by the State. The study consists of face to face interaction with 120 randomly selected farmer respondents in Southern Karnataka. The important factors influencing the farmers to continue organic farming was analyzed through logistic regression model. The results indicated that number of trainings attended by the sample farmers on organic farming was the important factor that positively influenced farmers to continue as organic farmers while off-farm income and total land holdings were negatively contributed to continuation of organic farming.

Keyword :

Food safety, health hazards, environmental damage, off-farm income
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