Clinical effect of Manjisthadi Kwatha orally and Pippali Churna Pratisaran in the management of Gingivitis

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Article type :

Case report

Author :

Deepak Kumar ,Vishwatej Parkhi , ,D.B.Vaghela

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Gingivitis is a reversible oral disease that refers to gingival inflammation induced by bacterial biofilms also called as ‘plaque ’ adherent to tooth surfaces. Without treatment gingivitis can progress to periodontitis in which the inflammation of the gums results in tissue destruction and bone reabsorption around the teeth which is more serious and can eventually lead to loss of teethin 40 - 45% of population of India. In Ayurvedic classical texts there are many treatment modalities given e.g. Pratisarna , Ra ktamokshana and some internal medicine for systemic cause of Sheetada . In present study we have discussed a case of 32 year old female patient came to our OPD with chief complaints of foul smell from mouth, bleeding from gums on brushing and spitting, gen eralised inflammed gums and blackish discoloration of gums from last two months. On examination hallitosis, poor gums consistency, bleeding from gums& calculus were found. Ayurvedic treatment was planned and Manjisthadi Kwatha internally and Pippali Churna Pratisarna was started.

Keyword :

Ayurveda, Bleeding gums, Gingivitis, Manjistahadi Kwatha , Pippali, Sheetada .
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