Changes and trends in arrival and prices of agricultural commodities in APMC Kolhapur market

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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

H.P. ThakAre, K.S. Daundkar, Savita R. Rathod and Uttam S. Bondar

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The study of APMC, Kolhapur revealed that, the open auction method of sale was strictly followed in the market, the overall conduct and law and administrative promptness was seen satisfactory. The analysis of trends in arrivals and prices revealed that, arrivals of paddy, groundnut, onion, potato and jaggery had showed fluctuations yearly during the period under study (2001-02 to 2011-12) but only arrivals of wheat decreased in period under study. The prices of all commodities were found to be increased over entire period.

Keyword :

Trends, CGR, Arrivals, Prices, APMC
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