Ayurveda Treatment Protocol in the Management of Anantavata (Trigeminal Neuralgia) - A Case Study

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Article type :

Case report

Author :

Shraddha Chaudhary ,Deepak Kumar ,D.B.Vaghela 3

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Trigeminal neuralgia is considered as most severe stabbing painful condition. Due to sharp and intense nature of pain suffe rers called as ‘suicide disease’. The management of trigeminal neuralgia includes anticonvulsants, tricyclic antidepressents drugs and other surgical measures. As per Ayurvedic classics this condition has close similarity with the disease Anantvata which i s Vata predominant Sannipatika in nature. A 34 years female patient visited OPD of Shalakya Tantra, IPGT&RA hospital on 14/06/2018 with complaints of severe jabbing, twitching pain at left half of maxillary and mandibular region associated with irritation s ince 2 years. The pain aggravates by face wash with soap, cold winds and especially in morning and night hours. She consulted local hospital and started the treatment but didn’t have satisfactory relief. We started Ayurveda medication Rasnasaptaka Kwatha ( 20ml , BD ) , Abha Guggulu (2 tab, TDS) and Pipallimoola Churna (1tsp, BD) with the anupana of jaggery. During whole course of medication patient was instructed to avoid cold winds, cold exposure, washing face with soap, Vatavardhaka Aahara. Marked relief was found in symptoms after 1 month and no episode of pain on washing the face with soap was seen after 3 months of continued medication. Study concluded that above Ayurvedic treatment can prove to be an effective alternative management of Trigeminal Neuralgi a.

Keyword :

Abha Guggulu, Ayurveda, Ananatvata , Trigeminal neuralgia, Oral medication
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