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Article type :

Original Article

Author :

Dr. Usman Farooq, Dr. Awais Butt, Dr. Anum Qader

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Abstract :

BACKGROUND- The prevalence rate of diabetes mellitus in Pakistan is very high; it is around 10 per cent in adult population. To control diabetes effectively and minimize complications people should be aware about ways of effective management of diabetes sedentary lifestyles and the popularity of high fat, high energy diets are known to lead to obesity. Exercise plays important role in controlling weight and thus management of diabetes. This study is attempted to assess knowledge, beliefs and practices about role of exercise for weight reduction among people with diabetes. OBJECTIVES- 1.To evaluate the level of knowledge about role of exercise for weight reduction among diabetics 2.To find out the source of knowledge about role of exercise for weight reduction among diabetics. STUDY DESIGN cross- sectional survey. PLACE AND DURATION OF STUDY DMC: Services Hospital Lahore, June-July 2017. RESPONDANTS AND METHODS. Pre- tested questionnaire was used to interview the diabetic patients. RESULTS 60% of people were aware about the life style modifications, 84.3% were aware that exercise is beneficial for diabetes. 72.9% had knowledge that weight gain effects management of diabetes, 82.9% had knowledge that exercise help in losing weight, 51.4% were exercising regularly; Source of knowledge of 77.7% subjects is physician CONCLUSION- Knowledge of diabetics regarding benefits of exercise, importance of weight reduction, and benefits of dietary modifications was satisfactory. Although, attitude and practice of exercise among people was satisfactory but it needs to be improved further. Health care providers played major role in educating the patients. Health education programs could further improve the attitude of diabetics towards exercise and weight reduction. Key words: - diabetes, exercise, weight reduction, KAP

Keyword :

diabetes, exercise, weight reduction, KAP
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