Water Security in Ambon City

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Novita Oktaviani ,Dr. Haryono Putro

Volume :


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Abstract :

Water security is the ability of the community to maintain sustainability water needs, both in sufficient quantities and acceptable quality. Ambon City is one of the biggest centers of activity in Maluku Province because Ambon City is the capital of Maluku Province. Clean water management in Ambon City shows that Ambon City still needs an increase in clean water production capacity due to springs in Sirimau District has experienced a crisis since the beginning of 2016. The method used in this study based Indonesian National Standard 6728.1: 2015 concerning the preparation of the spatial balance of natural resources section 1 – resources water. From the analysis results, it is obtained that the projected water demand in Ambon City in 2039 is 4.092 m3/second consists of household water needs 1.441 m3/second, non-domestic water needs 0.432 m3/second, industrial water needs 1.195 m3/second, livestock water needs are 0.044 m3/second and agricultural-horticultural water needs are 0.980 m3/second. The total debt of available water resources infrastructure in Ambon City in 2018 is 0.282 m3/second consisting of the Drinking Water Provider System. Based on the results of the water balance analysis, the water demand in Ambon City is still high has not been fulfilled because water needs are greater than the availability of water. However, Ambon City has the potential for mainstay discharge of 250.424 m3/second which can be used to meet water needs in the city of Ambon. Recommendation water resource infrastructure to accommodate the mainstay discharge is in the form of the building as many reservoirs 168 units with a total storage capacity of 30.350 million m3/second with an estimated construction cost of the reservoir IDR 1,308,692,000,000.

Keyword :

Water Security, Water Demand, Water Availability, Mainstay Discharge, Water Balance, Ambon City
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