Walking corpse syndrome – A delusion of being dead

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Abstract :

Walking corpse syndrome is a rare condition which is yet to be classified as a disorder. Its distinguishing feature is the nihilistic delusion of being dead and denying the presence of organs and blood in his body. Its incidence, prevalence, etiology, pathophysiology and diagnosis are yet to be discovered. This syndrome is often associated with other psychiatric disorders and medical conditions including Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, migraine, syphilis, etc. Various hypotheses have been postulated to explain the cause of this syndrome such as multifocal brain atrophy, inter hemispheric enlargement and various others. CT, MRI scan, EEG may help in observing brain abnormalities leading to this syndrome. Its stages are identified as germination, blooming and chronic stage. It is classified into psychotic depression, Cotard type 1 and Cotard type 2. By far, Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is the best treatment option for this syndrome. Benzodiazepines like olanzapine and mirtazapine have also shown good therapeutic results in this syndrome. This syndrome may be resolved soon with ECT and benzodiazepines. Treating the associated medical conditions ensures good prognosis.
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