Varied Presentation of Bronchiectasis: Two Interesting Cases

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Article type :

Review article

Author :

Nathwani I*, VasayaT**,Rishabh DG**

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Bronchiectasis in childhood is still one of the most common causes of childhood morbidity in developing countries. Diagnosis and management of these patients remain problematic. Bronchiectasis can be focal or diffuse. When occurs locally, often present with recurrent cough and infectious exacerbations. When diffuse, the patients often have additional signs and symptoms of generalized airway obstruction, reduced lung function and may ultimately progress to respiratory failure. Bronchiectasis develops as a result of acute or chronic infection or inflammation; which may also be associated with an underlying anatomic airway obstruction, a congenital disease. Here we report two cases having unusual presentations whichhad led to diagnostic dilemma.

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