Two New Cladosporium Species from Murshidabad District, West Bengal, India

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Article type :

Original article

Author :

Dinesh Haldar

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

Introduction: Cladosporium is a member of dematiaceous hyphomycetes which is characterized and easily recognised by its unique structure of the conidiogenous loci and conidial hila. Despite being imperfect in forms, they are the most versatile organisms in nature. While working on dematiaceous hyphomycetes from Murshidabad district, two specimens of Cladosporium had been collected which on critical examination characterised as two new species. Methods: The infected leaves with distinct symptoms were collected and dried to make herbarium specimens. The microscope slides were prepared in lacto-phenol cotton blue mixtures of the recognised species. The fungi, treated here were studied in their natural habitat on the leaves of Clitoria terrnatea and Hibiscus mutabilis. Results and Discussion: Two new species of Cladosporium viz. Cladosporium clitoriae Haldar and Cladosporium murshidabadense Haldar on Clitoria ternatea Land Hibiscus mutabilis L. respectively had been collected, figured and described in the present communication with notes on their phylogeny and ecology.

Keyword :

Anamorphic, Hyphomycetes, Taxonomy, sp.nov
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