Triphala an innovative medicine of the centuries

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TRIPHALA had been described from the Era of Charak and Sushruta as a medicine with multiple properties. The drug Triphala is a combination of fruits of Terminalia chebula Retz, Terminalia bellirica Roxb and Emblica officinalis Gaertn in equal amounts in fine powder form. Constituents are one fruit of Terminalia chebula, two fruits of Terminalia bellirica and four fruits Emblica officinalis are used for the preparation of medicine, It shows all three properties of Vatta, Pitta and Khapha .Triphala is considered a ‘Tridoshic Rasayan’ .With multiple properties such as Antioxidant, Antiinflammatory, Antihperlipidemic, Antianalgesic, Antimutagenic (Prevents spindle cell formation), Immunomodulatory, Radioprotective, Wound healing, Hepatoprotective, Antibacterial, Antitumor, Antiproliferative. Terminalia Chebula a content of Triphala contains gallic acid, chebulinic acid which inhibits the growth of human cancer cell lines. Selenium present in Triphala as Glutathione peroxidase inhibits the replication of tumor virus and prevents malignant transformation of cells. Triphala promotes Appetite, increases Red blood cells, Haemoglobin. It is a tonic cleanser and Blood purifier and rich in Magnesium, Calcium, Selenium, Potassium, Iron and Zinc. Always a precancerous condition and its progression must be checked before the patient goes into the agony of cancer. Ayurvedic treatments, use of TRIPHALA could be an effective remedy “TRIPHALA” –AN INNOVATIVE MEDICINE OF THE CENTURY
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