Trends in growth and instability of major rabi crops in Western Maharashtra

Article type :

Original Article

Author :

A. R. Kulkarni, V.G. Pokharkar and D. J. Sanap

Volume :


Issue :


Abstract :

The present investigation focuses on instability and growth trends in production of major rabi crops viz., sorghum and wheat in Western Maharashtra.The area under rabi sorghum in all the district were quite fluctuating in overall period. It was mainly due to the rainfall and competing crops like rabi onion and wheat in irrigated region and gram in un-irrigated region for rabi sorghum.The analysis revealed that there is a wide variation in the performance of rabi sorghum crop in terms of changes in area, production and productivity among the districts and region as a whole over a period of time.In case of wheat for the entire period (1960-61 to 2012-13) in Western Maharashtra, area, production and productivity found to be positive and significant with 0.63, 3.31 and 2.66 per cent per annum, respectively. The production of wheat was increased mainly due to the productivity improvement for Nasik, Dhule, Jalgaon, Pune and Ahmednagar districts of Western Maharashtra region not due to area expansion.

Keyword :

Growth, area, production, productivity, instability, rabi sorghum, wheat
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